Montville U: 1925 - What Was Happening 100 Years Ago?

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Lecture/ Presentation

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Registration for this event will close on April 3, 2025 @ 10:00am.
A Montville library card is prioritized. Other cardholders will be waitlisted and notified if seats become available.
There are 39 seats remaining.

Program Description

Event Details

Talk by Evan Weiner

1925 was the year that highlighted the existence of a Cultural Divide in the US. Evolution was the focus of the Scopes Monkey Trial underway in Dayton, Tennessee. The KKK marched down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.  The Great Gatsby was released highlighting the world of flappers, gangsters and booze during Prohibition.  Red Grange’s tour may have saved the National Football League, the Grand Ole Opry opened for business and Sears opened its first store. On the European front, Mussolini declared himself Italy’s dictator,  and Hitler regrouped while on "probation".  Join Evan for an entertaining look at life 100 years ago.  Adults only.  Registration required.


Adults Only

Adults only. No one under 18 allowed at program without prior permission.


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