Montville U: The Unification of Germany

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Program Type:

Lecture/ Presentation

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Registration for this event will close on April 24, 2025 @ 10:00am.
A Montville library card is prioritized. Other cardholders will be waitlisted and notified if seats become available.
There are 40 seats remaining.

Program Description

Event Details

Talk by Professor Alexander Clemente

Once part of the Holy Roman Empire, many German-speaking countries came together under the oversight of the growing power of Prussia. This lecture will focus on how such small states joined together to become one of the largest and most power nations of the 19th and 20th centuries. The impact of the German culture in the context of the many European revolutions, and the growing forces of Liberalism and Nationalism will be explained.

 Adults only. Registration required.


Adults Only

Adults only. No one under 18 allowed at program without prior permission.


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